CHINA: Shale Gas Reverse Trade Mission
June 23 to July 3, 2014 │ Washington, DC - Houston, TX - Dallas, TX
The USTDA China Shale Gas Reverse Trade Mission (RTM) took place from June 23 to July 3, 2014 and included stops in Washington, DC, Houston, TX and Dallas, TX. The delegation was made up of eight public sector representatives from China. The key objective of the reverse trade mission was to introduce the delegation to U.S. firms that export technology, services and products that can assist China in developing the country’s shale gas resources. There were site visits (and aerial tour) of the Marcellus shale development area in Washington County, PA and the Barnett shale development area in the Fort Worth, TX area, along with federal and state regulatory and energy sector and US technology, service, equipment and financing companies.