The Tuatara Group Team has an extensive project portfolio focusing on emerging market development. Representative projects include:
Team Projects
- South Sudan RAPID Infrastructure Project Evaluation
- Africa Leaders – Energy Reverse Trade Mission
- ASEAN Reverse Trade Mission (RTM) and Symposium
- Chile Magallanes Region Coal Gasification
Reverse Trade Mission
- China Clean Energy Definitional Mission
- China Green Building Infrastructure Reverse Trade Mission
- China Shale Reverse Trade Mission
- China Smart Grid Reverse Trade Mission
- Colombia Market Management System
Reverse Trade Mission
- Development Bank of South Africa
Clean Energy Advisory Services Project
- East Africa Ports and Aviation Security and Modernization Reverse Trade Missions
- East Africa Renewable Energy Definitional Mission
- India Smart Grid Workshop and Reverse Trade Mission
- India: Smart Cities Integrated Planning Technical Advisory Services Project
- Indonesia Transportation Definitional Mission
- Infrastructure Consortium for Africa - Financing Agricultural
& Energy Infrastructure Projects in Africa
- Latin America Renewable Integration Reverse Trade Mission
- Libya Natural Gas-Fired Power Generation RTM
- Morocco Solar Reverse Trade Mission
- South Sudan Infrastructure Capacity Building Project Evaluation
- Sri Lanka Ethanol Refinery & Biomass Power Project Development
- U.S. –Turkey Geothermal Workshop and Definitional Mission
- Turkey: Smart Grid Workshop
- Turkish Shipbuilders Delegation OTC
- Vietnam Aviation Reverse Trade Mission
- Vietnam National Power Transmission IT Roadmap
- Vietnam Wind Definitional Mission
The Tuatara Group Team has worked with a broad group of client organizations including:
Client Project Organizations
International Advertising Association
International Executive Service Corps
Advanced Resources International
Clean Air Task Force
Crown Agents
Istanbul Exporters Association
Management Systmes International
Merklein and Associates
MFM Lamey Group
National Commission on Energy Policy
National Power Transmission Company of Vietnam
National US Arab Chamber of Commerce
Network Dynamics Associates
Nova Exteriors
Southern Research Institute
Tangible Internatinoal
The Internet Society
The Penfield Group
The Smart Grid Interoperability Panel
The Webster Group
U.S. Trade and Development Agency
University of Maryland University College
US Agency of International Development
Utilities Telecom Council
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