COLUMBIA: Distributed Energy Resource Training
February 4-8, 2019 | Bogota, Colombia
Through its Energy Utility Partnership Program Cooperative Agreement
with USAID, U.S. Energy Association (USEA) selected Tuatara Group to deliver a five-day DER preparation training course for mid- and senior-level personnel from key Colombian stakeholder organizations in Bogotá, Colombia with an emphasis on XM, the system operator. The objective of this course was to discuss the challenges, opportunities and potential path for successful integration of DER in Colombia. The speakers included leading experts in their field from the U.S. as well as senior representatives from Colombia’s leading power sector organizations.
The U.S. training team provided instructional content while the Colombian speakers provided local context and perspectives to the concepts presented. The last day included a small group exercise with presentations to the Vice Minister of Environment and XM President.