China Smart Grid Technologies | Reverse Trade Mission and Briefing
November 1-14, 2015, Washington, D.C.; Philadelphia, PA; San Francisco, CA
Tuatara Group led program development for the China Smart Grid Technologies Reverse Trade Mission (RTM) which connected U.S. and Chinese smart grid sector stakeholders for future project implementation. The fourteen member delegation which included senior decision makers from China's National Energy Administration, provincial and municipal grid operators, and electric grid utility companies, including China Southern Grid and China State Gris traveled to Washington, D.C., Philadelphia, PA, and San Francisco, CA to meet with U.S. power sector stakeholders in each these cities. The purpose of the RTM was to familiarize senior Chinese executives and key supervisory agency officials with U.S. capabilities and best practices regarding smart grid technologies and provide opportunity for U.S. companies to learn more about the Chinese power sector and to ask key questions about the needs and requirements of attending officials.
Tuatara organized a panel discussion regarding smart grid enablers in China.
Chinese delegation visits SMUD.
Chinese delegation takes a break for a quick photo during meetings in Washington,DC
Delegation tours the Philadelphia Navel Yard to learn about its microgrid and energy efficiency programs.