Connecting U.S. and India Power Sector Stakeholders for Project Opportunities in India
Tuatara developed the technical program for the USTDA India Energy Storage and Smart Grid Workshop which took place December 10-11, 2018 in Mumbai, India to bring together Indian and US power sector stakeholders for future project implementation. The workshop was a follow-on activity to the Reverse Trade Mission USTDA hosted and Tuatara developed which brough Indian power sector decision makers to the U.S. to participate in site visits and meetings with public and private power sector stakeholders in San Francisco, CA (Sept 27-October 1) and Washington, DC (October 2-5). As part of the Program, USTDA hosted an Energy Storage and Smart Grid Workshop on October 4, 2018 at the USTDA Business Center in Arlington, VA where the visiting Indian delegates will brief U.S. company participants on current power sector initiatives and opportunities and participate in discussions and one-on-one-meetings.
The U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA)’s India Energy Storage and Smart Grid Reverse Trade Mission (RTM) and Workshop Program supported India’s growing power needs by providing a forum for U.S -India power sector stakeholder engagement and the opportunity to familiarize Indian decision makers with U.S. grid modernization, energy storage, energy efficiency, and renewable energy integration technologies, as well as the policies, best practices and financing mechanisms that support them.