KENYA: Emergency Communications Systems Reverse Trade Mission
May 13-22, 2019 │ Washington, DC - Chicago, IL - San Francisco, CA
Tuatara Group organized and executed U.S. Trade and Development Agency's Kenya: Emergency Communications Systems RTM which brought 12 decision-makers from Kenya’s emergency management sector to the U.S. to familiarize them with U.S. technologies, services, and best practices in emergency communications systems.
The RTM took place over the course of 11 calendar days/8 business days and included meetings with public and private sector stakeholders and site visits in Washington, DC; Chicago, IL; and San Francisco, CA.
Tuatara organized a business briefing in Washington, DC at USTDA that was well-attended by U.S. industry and included an informative roundtable focused on relevant topics as indicated by the delegation. The RTM was well received by the delegation and their U.S. counterparts and enabled the delegation to view state-of-the-art U.S. technologies for developing emergency management communication systems and address various aspects of emergency communications systems, including emergency response technologies, national emergency telephone call response systems, and technologies that can address disaster preparedness, response, and mitigation.
Tuatara arranged meetings with several key Emergency Management facilities such as FEMA and the Fairfax County, VA, Cook County, IL and San Jose Emergency Operations Centers. The delegation has reported that the visit has created a new wave of relationships between the Kenyan and U.S. Industry and they are in the process engaging their senior management to follow-up on some of the opportunities.