Chris Nuckols, Senior Associate - Renewable Energy
For the past 19 years, Chris Nuckols worked for renewable energy manufacturers, utilities and developers. He has helped develop, construct and operate thousands of MW of renewable energy projects in 25 countries. He has worked on hundreds of renewable energy projects for clients large and small. His areas of expertise include resource assessment, plant optimization, diligence, site prospecting, energy forecasting, project development, and sound and shadow flicker studies.While deployed to Afghanistan with the Army National Guard, Chris was the technical lead for Afghanistan’s first Hybrid-Wind Power Generation system. Chris earned his Master’s degree in Geosciences from Mississippi State University, where he specialized in meteorology, climatology and Geographic Information Systems; Graduate Certificate in Environmental Management from Tufts University; Bachelor’s degree in Aerospace Engineering from State University of New York at Buffalo and was the recipient of a NASA grant for computational fluid dynamics (CFD) research.